My Dad was a carpenter and when he came home from work he smelled like wood and I got to love that smell.  Then when we moved up to the mountains and I had a rustic cabin on the property I had to cut up wood to heat it in the winter.  It was my “woman’s cave” and I only used wood that was recycled from a couple of side buildings that had fallen down over the first winter we were here.  When I cut them up into stove side pieces they smelled so good too. 

After I retired I was so  bored the first year but  then I got a scrollsaw and took off.  I feel like my Dad would be proud of what I am doing now.  I have been scrollsawing for about 3 years now and I go to craft bazzars in the spring, but Covid put a stop to that.  I love recycling wood and seeing what is underneath the dirt and stain.  Every item is different because of the different grain of the wood. 

These are my rustic depictions, cut out of used pallets, of the North American wildlife.  To the right are  light and  dark wolves.  Below that is a moose.  In the next images  are Da Bears, and a deer.  Everyone I make is different which I like.  The wood you find under all the dirt when you sand is a nice surprise.  

The following images are from my scroll saw projects.  Immediately below is a scroll saw and woodburning woodcarving.


  1. I bought a beautiful unique piece of Carole’s art that sits prominently in the front room of my cabin. It draws attention and positive comments from visitors. I look forward to owning more of her work and purchasing some as gifts.

  2. Carole is an exceptional woodworker. She can take a beat up piece of wood and bring out it’s true beauty. I have given her some of my crazy projects to cut out and have never been disappointed. If I had room, I would have one of everything!

  3. Carole is a lady of many talents. I met Carole and Jeff many years ago through our love of dogs and especially malamutes. She’s an exceptional dog trainer. All this time I had no idea that behind her exterior was this hidden talent as a wood worker. Way to go, Carole!

  4. Carole, these are magnificent works of art! You truly are a woman of many talents! Thank you for sharing them with the world!!!

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