A Pacific Northwest native, I have been writing poetry over 40 years.  My poems reflect a woman’s journey through the later years, with recurring themes of loss and renewal.


You could get here

on the back road, the one

that wanders through the village

where we shared croissants

in the sun and bought a book

in that musty little store,

or you may prefer

to come by ferry, standing

on the upper deck

facing the receding

shore, watching the white wake

spill out behind, the wind rising up

to muss your hair

like my fingers used to do, or maybe

you will take highway 104

across the floating bridge,

where we both marveled

that something so enormous

didn’t sink

beneath the weight of all those cars,

or perhaps you plan

to drop in


your face appearing

in my doorway

like a burst of green

on dying branches,

like steam rising.

To view the previous Cathy Ross poem – click here

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