
Coastal Zen Art – Michelle Olson

Photos – Lorelie Olson

A Pacific Northwest native, I have been writing poetry over 40 years.  My poems reflect a woman’s journey through the later years, with recurring themes of loss and renewal.


Waves are the only sound I hear

white foam melts into the sand

breathing in the seaweed air

 the outer world fades away,

all I need lies deep inside

the surf erases everything.

I let go of everything

my own breath is all I hear

I close my eyes and go inside

feel my bare feet in the sand,

breezes blow my grief away

floating out on seaweed air.

Some say love is made of air,

I think it’s made of everything

even what is blown away

returns as echoes we can hear,

stories written in the sand

disappear yet live inside.

I feel a deep stirring deep inside

sense a difference in the air

my hourglass is spilling sand

letting go of everything:

voices that I used to hear

murmuring from far away.

I must put the past away,

let new awareness rise inside

voices I can barely hear

floating on the seaweed air

 tell me I have everything:

sky and sun and sea and sand.

Now’s the time to sweep away 

all that lingers deep inside

soothing words I need to hear

whisper wisdom through the air,

good can come from everything

silver mirrors once were sand.

The hiss of foam is all I hear

the ocean laps against the sand

peace and calm float on the air

serenity lies deep inside.

To read Cathy Ross’s previously posted poem – click here

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