A NOVEL – AGNES ON THE MOVE – CHAPTER 8 – By Tim & Lorelie Olson

Meet Agnes, an ordinary gray tabby with an extraordinary talent for mischief and adventure.

If you missed Chapter 1, you might want to read it to find out how the Rasmussens had to decide what to do with a stow-away cat.

To read Chapter 1 of AGNES ON THE MOVEclick here

If you read Chapters 1 – 7, read on and enjoy the Rasmussens arrival home and Agnes’s planning for future adventures.


After the crab and excitement of the evening at the Johnsons, early the next morning, Carolyn  lifted me out of my comfy cushion, deposited me in my carrier and put me into the back of the wagon.  “You can stay here until we get underway.  You’ve caused us enough delays on this trip.”   I curled up on the new blanket in my carrier and soon went to sleep to the whirring of the tires on the road.  

Billy and David rudely awakened me when they started to quarrel with each other.  Billy complained,  “Mom, my pencil’s broke and I can’t find my sharpener.”

“Borrow David’s.”

“Could I borrow your pencil sharpener?”

“No, it’s in my bag on top of the car.  Get your feet off my side of the seat.”

“They aren’t on your side.”

“Yes, they are.  They are past the crease in the seat.  Your toes are over it.  Besides your feet smell.”  

“Dad, David pushed me.”

“I’ve had it,” Jake said from the passenger side of the front seat.  With that he turned round.  “It’s going to be a long day.  It’s going to be even longer if you two can’t get along.  Each of you, sit next to your door and away from each other.”

Billy and David replied in unison, “It’s not my fault.” 

All was quiet for a minute until Carolyn said, “Billy, pull your feet in.  Don’t you know enough by now not to stick them out the window?”

“Dad told me not to put them on David’s side.”

“That doesn’t mean put them out the window.  Haven’t you learned anything on this trip?  Jake, it was your idea to drive home in one day.  You drive.  I’m going to change places with one of the boys.  I told you it wouldn’t work and we aren’t even out of California yet.”

Jake and Carolyn took turns  sitting in the back seat, which certainly made my life easier.  I left my carrier and curled up in Carolyn’s lap to soothe her.  She stroked me and held me close.  “I’m so glad we didn’t lose you, Agnes.  You may have had the best time of all of us.”  She was right.

It must have been midnight when we finally arrived at the Rasmussen’s home.  No one even attempted to stop me when I leaped out of the wagon and bounded toward the side yard.  A midnight prowl was what I needed.  I glanced back to see the big gold mush-mouth jumping all over the Rasmussens.  Copper’s paws stretched to Jake’s shoulders and  Jake wrapped his arms around Copper and hugged him.  Carolyn called to the boys,  “Off to bed with you.  We’ll unpack in the morning.  We have had our Disneyland adventure.”

I disappeared into the darkness.  Ready for a different adventure.

The End

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