My son Karl and I have always been fascinated by miniature scenes and objects. My father’s model railroad included not only the trains and tracks, but also the town buildings and scenery. At Christmas our love of miniatures expands to include small figurines and objects that represent all aspects of this holiday season. Make yourselves tiny and tour with us!


In addition to the train village, Karl’s collection of angels for his angel orchestra adds new musicians every year, and this year we found more players  at the Christmas shop on Broadway in Everett.

My mother created several sets of the three kings (out of Coke bottles!), which were dressed in elegant fabrics. Karl and I each have a set. His trio is on the piano and mine is part of a larger Christmas scene.

A very special music box was made for me by my talented friend JUDY STERNBERG. She included tiny objects that represented many of my activities and interests.

Many of my Christmas miniatures feature Scandinavian characters and winter scenes.

On the living room window sill is a gift-filled sleigh drawn by reindeer and flanked by two elf companions.  Two children eagerly watch!

The newest angel in my collection is a “Lucia Bride”; she joins me in wishing you a beautiful Christmas season!

To view the previous NESTER CHRISTMAS MINIATURE I post – click here


  1. Rose Ann Ann McRoberts

    Hi Lorelie,
    Your village is really beautiful and unique.
    I wanted to let you know that I passed along your link to your Christmas village. My son has collected and displayed a huge village for some years now. Unfortunately, it is getting a little too much for him to manage and he might be downsizing some of it. But he really enjoys it as do we.
    Rose Ann

  2. When we last downsized we gave our Christmas village to our granddaughter. How it pleased us to see it displayed at her house this year!

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