A WINTER GREETING I – From Lorelie & Tim

Winter and January summon very different responses from people.  Winter people embrace the season and enjoy its beauty and the activities.  Summer people endure the cold, dark months or take flight for the sunnier southern latitudes.  January is a month for reflection and for making plans for the coming year.   We invite you to take a few minutes and appreciate these themes reflected in poetry.


By Jackie Kay

Remember, the time of year
when the future appears
like a blank sheet of paper
a clean calendar, a new chance.
On thick white snow
You vow fresh footprints
then watch them go
with the wind’s hearty gust.
Fill your glass. Here’s tae us. Promises                                                 made to be broken, made to last.


William Carlos Williams

All the complicated details

of the attiring and

the disattirning are completed!

A liquid moon

moves gently among

the long branches.

Thus having prepared the buds

against a sure winter

The wise trees

stand sleeping in the cold.


Molly Fisk

How valuable it is in these short days,

threading through empty maple branches,

the lacy-needled sugar pines.

Its glint off sheets of ice tells the story

of Death’s brightness, her bitter cold.

We can make do with so little, just the hint

of warmth, the slanted light.

The way we stand there, soaking in it,

mittened fingers reaching.

And how carefully we gather what we can

to offer later, in darkness, one body to another.


David Budbill

Winter is the best time

To find out who you are.

Quiet, contemplative time.

Away from the rushing world,

Cold time, dark time, holed-up,

Pulled-in time and space

To see the inner landscape,

That place hidden and within.


A special thank you to Stan Morgan for the photograph above  the poem, PROMISE.

To view the previous NESTER post, THE BIG SNOWS IN PONDEROSA of 1996 & 2022 – click here 

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