This is the time of year when we think about bleak winter ending  and bright spring beginning.  Now is the time to deep clean the house, thoroughly rake the yard. And yes, a time to imagine new beginnings for ourselves – discard the old and put on the new!  Cathy offers us two poems that reflect this urge to start anew and how our busy daily lives might have something to say about that urge.


Cathy Ross

It is time to clean

the closets of my life,

sort through the boxes


go through the drawers

sift through the layers

to uncover what’s still there.


You see, I’ve forgotten

what I have, lost track

of fragments of myself.


Mired in misfortune,

I took refuge in routine,

traded novelty for safety,


put parts of me away

until another time.

Now I must go looking


for what I set aside, find

the promises I made, remember

who I used to be.

Too read Cathy’s previously published poem, “I FINALLY GOT IT TOGETHER . . ” –  click here

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