Dave Olson’s “A Meditation For Earth Day” expresses his insights into the significance of Earth Day from its beginnings and continuing into the current times. You are invited to appreciate what he writes together with the accompanying photographs.

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THE SEATTLE TIMES published A Meditation for Earth Day in “Northwest Voices.”

The NESTER published photographs from the following photographers:  Keith Olson, David Zeigler, Lee Lageschulte, Lorelie Olson, Toni Olson, Terry Olmsted.


There is beauty all around us. The earth under our feet is holy ground. The clean air and water we breathe and drink sustain us. Blooming flowers stir in us moments of wonder.

But who speaks for global earth? What wildlife, fishery or forest stands up to human efforts to subdue the land for our use?  Who hears the melting glacier cry, who weeps over polluted dirty water and poisoned dark air? Is it only those with wide eyes, or only those who are blessed with silence, or only those who hear with their hearts and feel with their hands? 

 Open our eyes to the beauty of creation and our coexistence on this blue green planet. Turn each of us to see our stewardship responsibility to support and participate in movements to halt escalating irreversible damage impacting all life on global earth. Strengthen us to stand up to abuse of the planet, speak out for all life, and walk gently upon the earth.

To read a previous Dave Olson post in the NESTER – click here

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