A MAY COLOR SHOW – Photos by Lee Lageshulte – Text by Lorelie Olson

April showers did bring May flowers! This is prime time for our northwest color show of rhododendrons and azaleas, accompanied by the fragrance of lilacs and the last petals of flowering trees. Join Lee and Roger as they stroll Edmonds to view neighborhood gardens at spring color peak!



Azalea and rhododendrons are members of the heath family, and differ in their growth and bloom patterns.  Rhododendron flowers tend to be bell-shaped, and grow in round clusters at the ends of branches.  Azaleas have tubular or funnel shaped flowers, with one flower per stem, but multiple stems!  According to the American Rhododendron Society, “All azaleas are rhododendrons but not all rhododendrons are azaleas.”  Although azaleas are a sub-set of rhododendrons, they are often deciduous, and their flowers have a wider range of colors. Hybrids now feature re-blooming azaleas and rhododendrons with smaller leaves and a variety of colors, so gardeners have a wealth of choices suited to their landscapes. These shrubs thrive in well-drained soil with filtered sunlight, moisture, and moderate temperatures – perfect for our coastal northwest gardens!



Thank you for viewing the lovely colors of the marvelous rhododendron plant family that brighten our cities, neighborhoods and parks during the month of May! 

To view a previous Lee & Lorelie post, A  JAPANESE GARDEN, in the NESTER – click here

5 thoughts on “A MAY COLOR SHOW – Photos by Lee Lageshulte – Text by Lorelie Olson”

  1. L and L – always thought rhodies and azaleas might be kin. Nice explanation and the phlower photos = exquisite. Glad you posted. – k

  2. Lorelie and Lee, what a fab job of sharing information and beauty! I loved learning more about these flowers, and did alot of oohing and ahhhing over the pretty pics!

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