COZY CATS VI – “JACK – A MIRACLE” – by Keith Olson & by Tim Olson

From Tim:

Throughout my life I have been privileged to have lived with and known several memorable cats.  Sometimes I’ve been caught in a friendly conversation about which cat is the most “special” of all!  Actually I have known so many cats, each of whom is  so “extraordinary”, that I was delighted by the following quote from Brian Doyle.

In an essay, Brian Doyle presents a thesis that what we often think of as miracles upon analysis often turn out to be “Synchronicities, felicitous accidents, startling coincidences; Whereas that which we call common is actually miraculous. . . . Can it be that miracles are things which we cannot comprehend or construct?  Hawks, elk, porpoises, children, damselflies, quasars – the list cannot ever end.” 

                              And, of course, – cats and Jack.  This post is a tribute to Keith’s & Jerry’s “remarkable best friend”, Jack and a reminder of the “precious memories”about Jack.



From Keith:

Jerry’s and my life with Jack began when we received a neighborhood email that a black and white cat, Jack, was missing and he had no collar or chip. Indeed we did spot Jack and alerted his family. We learned that Jack had gone from being an inside cat to being a garage cat to mostly outside cat.  When Jerry took a break from yard work, he observed Jack roaming up our driveway.  A one way conversation ensued as Jerry spoke softly to him as Jack inched closer and closer.  In just that way, Jack and Jerry were auditioning for Jack to become a permanent cuddle-buddy!  We again contacted the owners but continued to see Jack in the neighborhood. I joined Jerry in softly petting him when I was outside feeding the birds. One frigid evening in 2012  I walked past our glass doors and on our deck I saw a pitiful , freezing meowing Jack pleading for help! At that moment Jack entered our door and knew that he had found his “forever” home. 


From Tim:

 On our first night of a stay with Jerry and Keith in Greensboro, I awaken to a soft meow outside the bedroom door. I open the door to find Jack sitting, waiting. Jack pads over to the bed, sits and peers up at Lorelie still sleeping. Without hesitation he leaps on top of the quilt, stretches out and touches Lorelie’s chin with his paw. “Good Morning, I’m your friend Jack.”


From Keith:

In 2018, I was going down the steps in the house to feed Jack his breakfast. It was still dark and I failed to turn on the light. Jack was beside me as I approached the bottom. Unfortunately, I thought the last step was the bottom. Down I went, just missing falling on Jack. Fractured my right hip! After a hospital stay, I returned home to recover and in time was able to return to my upstairs bedroom. I made sure my steps were very measured  and held on to the bannister and two-stepped down. I began to notice Jack becoming aware of my extremely cautious step movements. Jack began to walk beside me, and when I reached the bottom, I said “Stay there” and he actually froze in place … not moving until I reached the BOTTOM!!! This was our routine every day.


From Keith:

I soon discovered Jack’s qualities that enhanced our lives! He knew our routines and expected us to keep them.  He had different a meow for every occasion: the ‘where are you? meow; “it’s time to feed me meow”; the rub my tummy now meow; the “I hear  the treat bag rattle meow”; “it’s time for you to go to bed now meow.”



From Keith:

Over the years, Jack shared his love and social needs with so many of our family and friends. Of course the sharing went both ways.  Our guests lavished Jack with head pets and tummy rubs.  They joined Jack by playing with him with his toys. He indeed enhanced our lives and our visitors enhanced his.

Friends and family gathered together at our Angel Garden to pay their respects to Jack and share memories of a truly remarkable “best friend!”

To view COZY CATS V, –  click here

1 thought on “COZY CATS VI – “JACK – A MIRACLE” – by Keith Olson & by Tim Olson”

  1. Dearest Tim and Lorelie….I simply do not possess enough vocabulary to adequately express the heartfelt reaction to this incredible Tribute to Jack!!! You clearly shared the unique qualities of our “Miracle”. Since Jack had finally had enough irresponsible care from his present owners, he set out seeking a loving, comfortable, safer life, and he didn’t have to travel far to find it! Then the spoiling, going both ways, began. It’s not every day that a cat TOTALLY connects with humans on a level that was simply astounding! Thank you for including some of those abilities. We are so thankful that he had the pure pleasure of welcoming you to HIS home! It’s for sure the enhancement of our daily life with Jack was truly a gift that kept on giving. Jack was my best friend! He is sorely missed!

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