JUST “PLAIN” SNOW By Lorelie Olson + POEMS – “EARLY SNOW” By Patricia Hammill and “SNOW FLAKES” by Emily Dickinson

Snow came in early November to Plain and Ponderosa, then melted, and snowed again in late November and through most of December!

We hope you enjoy the country snow scenes and the poems by Patricia Hammill and Emily Dickinson.  

We thank Maureen Mitchell, Toni & Paul Olson, and Fran Hunkins for their photographs of the snow scenes. 


Patricia Hammill

The snow came early in the year,

It drifted through our country bower

And left a drape of lacy sheer

On every silent shrub and flower.

It nestled in. We snuggled tight

And watched it coming down all day.

It whispered to us through the night,

Then quietly it went away.


By Emily Dickinson

I counted till they danced so

Their slippers leaped the town –

And then I took a pencil

To note the rebels down –

And then they grew so jolly

I did resign the prig –

And ten of my once stately toes

Are marshalled for a jig!

We hope you have had time to reflect and relax during this “bridge week” between Christmas and New Years. 

May you have a happy 2023!

To view Lorelie’s previous post OUR CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS FROM NORWAY  click here

2 thoughts on “JUST “PLAIN” SNOW By Lorelie Olson + POEMS – “EARLY SNOW” By Patricia Hammill and “SNOW FLAKES” by Emily Dickinson”

  1. WHEREVER the frozen crystalline state of water blankets the land, cruelty and evil can be temporarily covered by the glittering silent beauty. In my local geography, snow can be a bit stubborn, but when it falls- and WE LOSE POWER, HAVE ACCIDENTS, DELAYS TRAVEL, HARMS HUMANS AND OR ANIMALS WHO CANNOT FIND SHELTER, there is NO DELIGHT!! However, being a certified snowflake, these photos truly speak to me!!! Truly enchanting photography!!!

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