After the bustle of December holidays and the celebration of New Year’s Day, we endure winter’s dark days in January.  This is the perfect time to pause in our busy lives and reflect on where we have been and where we are going.  Cathy’s poem, THE PAUSE is just right for January!


Cathy Ross

The bay is still. 

Twice a day 

it turns to glass,

mirroring the sky.

Twice a day 

it pauses 

from the pull of tides,  

to reflect and rest.

I stand here 

on its banks,

staring out 

across the water,

breathing in 

the calm.

If only I could do this     

twice a day, 

release the pull

of my own tides,

the tasks and qualms

that swirl and churn,

if only I could pause

in the midst of it all 

and turn to glass,       

mirroring the sky. 



To read Cathy’s previously published poem “HEARTHSONG” – click here

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