THE SAGA OF OUR NEW “HARBOR ROOM” – Photos & Text By Lorelie Olson

From September, 2021 until October, 2022 we dealt with permits, covenants, delays, construction, deconstruction and inspections in our effort to turn the garage into a bedroom.  Finally our former garage was transformed into a first-floor bedroom! We called it our “Harbor Room,” reflecting its location in the Everett harbor area and our planned decorating theme.


After subfloor, windows, insulation, and wallboard were already installed, our builders had to remove the wallboard and upgrade the insulation because of new code requirements! By spring of 2022, after numerous communications with the Everett permit office and several inspections, we were finally able to schedule painting, carpet, shades, heating, installation of closet and lighting.


Our  “fun” began with the delivery of our new bed and quilt ladder and the installation of a big TV on the wall. The quilt ladder displayed a lighthouse quilt made by Leanna, and the bed was topped by a quilt gift from Maureen.

From our Ponderosa home we brought two bookcases, a wicker chair, bedside table, and drop-leaf table with two chairs. 


We gradually added new pillows, and art to complete the room, with special gifts from Michelle and Toni contributing to the color scheme and seaside themes!


Our last phase of the remodel was construction of a new sitting deck and planter on the former driveway. How pleasant to sit in the shade on a hot afternoon, sip our iced tea, converse with passing neighbors, and enjoy our front garden plants!

To view Lorelie’s previous post AT HOME post, ART AT HARBOR HOME Iclick here

4 thoughts on “THE SAGA OF OUR NEW “HARBOR ROOM” – Photos & Text By Lorelie Olson”

  1. WOWZA….how far in advance should your couple-of-years-older-than-you brother and his significant other make reservations for this cozy, snug, beckoning Bridal Suite??? Don’t forget, for us it’s a coast to coast “HIKE”! Am I looking at a twin, full, queen, or king size bed? Not sure, but Jerry might be looking at the chair for his slumber!!! You can take this to the bank that I will “NOT LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT”: camera and iphone with charger! The magical sweeps of your promised geography must be CAPTURED!! So, we’ll check our budget and get back to you!!!!

  2. This looks like a lovely and very useable addition to your home. Thanks for sharing the photos and the (longer than expected) timeline for completion!
    Hope to see you soon.
    Sue Franklin

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