Winter is often the time to be still and to reflect on the experiences that bring us to where we are in our lives. We not only look back but we also look to the future, taking steps toward what we want to happen next.   Cathy’s poem FIRST and LAST  speaks to those moments of reflection and the importance of also living in the present.


Cathy Ross

The first time

is always magic,

first smile, first word,

first day of school.

Soon we advance

to first love, first job,

first child, the years

unreeling like ribbon, 

but we hurry on,


until one day we realize

that the last time

for something 

has already happened,

has slipped past

unseen and taken

its seat in the hall

of memory. It is then

that we begin

to live more mindfully,

to pay attention to our days,


that the last time 

for anything

might be today.

To read Cathy’s previously published poem, THE PAUSE in the NESTER – click here

2 thoughts on “CATHY ROSS – POET – “FIRST AND LAST””

  1. Rose Ann McRoberts

    Love, love, love this poem. I can really relate to the message. I enjoy your newsletter emensely. Keep up the good work.

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