OLSON FAMILY SCRAPBOOK XII – “1994 OLSON FAMILY CRUISE ON THE CHRISTIAN” – Photos by Keith Olson -Text by Keith & Jerry Olson


It began in 1994 when I met Jerry and somehow seemed to be the gleam in his eye!  Webster defines it as: a transient appearance of subdued or partly obscured light.  My impression of this gentlemen was…. a handsome, intelligent, commercial fisherman, retired Naval officer who seemed to find me somewhat interesting.  So, in casual conversation, he informed me of an invitation he received from his brother Ken to come and join some of their family in August for a 9-day adventure on The Christian cruising along the waters in Southeastern Alaska.  Images of an amazing adventure began to form in my head, but my rather depleted bank account silently signaled…NO WAY!  Jerry sensed the quandary and announced…”Not to worry…my treat!”!   WOW!!!


Thirty some years after my last season on a cannery tender in southeastern Alaska, Ken’s invitation to spend some time with family on the Christian arrived and my first reaction was to not go. I lived there in grade school and had worked fishing for eleven seasons, so there was not much new to see. Keith kept saying, ”This Is your family and you should go.” Finally said yes thinking a good time for Keith to meet my family and see first hand what my life had been like when I was young with so many roots there. 


Our plans quickly took shape for flights and reservations in several stops that Alaska has to offer for those seeking a destination that promises an experience you only dream about. My dream became reality when we were on our way.  First stop was Juneau!  Jerry had hired a chauffeur to see and enjoy the treasures of Alaska’s capitol!  Will always remember the Cream Burlee that we relished at The Fiddlehead Restaurant.  The Red Dog Saloon also did not fail to delight!  Next was Sitka that provided hours of strolling and soaking up their history. 


What I saw was thirty years of change. Some not so good. Islands I remember as completely wooded had been strip logged bare. Small towns with three cruise ships in port and crowds of tourists who had come to see “wild” Alaska. However, once on the Christian we got to places that felt familiar and I will always be grateful for Ken and Nancy giving this opportunity to my soon to be wife Keith to just be with family living together day to day.


 In Sitka we hooked up with Nancy and Ken!  My first impressions were spot on from Jerry’s description of a loving, gracious and very seaworthy happily married couple!!!  After introductions it was off to the dock to board The Christian.  Did I mention that it was POURING RAIN?  Once aboard, the “dream” was beginning! A 65’ vessel that was owned by the Lutheran Alliance of Missionary Pilots and navigated by Captain Ken Olson with First Mate Nancy Olson! 

When we were underway, I was treated to a vast view of breathtaking beauty from every possible angle!  In addition, a family on board that was clearly seaworthy, and knew all nautical terms while I was struggling with port from starboard!!!   

For 9 incredible days, my time was spent becoming acquainted with a truly remarkable family!  Just about all my past had my feet on solid ground so this experience was quite unique.  As the days flew by, I was treated to genuine sea faring folks who clearly knew what to do with fishing gear, nets, hooks, baits, scales for weighing. Imagine my excitement when I reeled in a 12 lb. Salmon, also a baby octopus which was catch and release, and I snagged a hefty halibut…. however, the gaffing was a bit YIKES!  Will admit my first taste of Mr. Halibut was fabulous!! The “crew” was also well versed in gutting! 

And then…WOW… all edibles that emerged from that galley!!  Nancy, and her sous-chefs presented meals expertly prepared and eagerly devoured by all of us.  Here is just a sample:  Grilled Salmon, Potatoes, Chicken Divan, homemade bread, fresh fruit, pancakes, smoked cod, peach pies, rhubarb cobbler, black bean fiesta salad, eggs benedict, rice pudding and on and on, etc., etc.  FIVE-STAR “Restaurant” for sure!!!  Games of Scrabble and Chess were enjoyed!

Each day was an adventure filled with cruising on the Christian, sailing on the Advena, fishing, resting, reflecting. So much to do! So much to tell!


My final remembrance is very personal. When I was fourteen I was deckhand and cook on the Lady Fay. Ken was my skipper, and I stood my first wheel watch with him. Most of the thirty years after leaving Alaska I was in the Navy. I circumnavigated the globe and South America. I stood watches on the bridge of ships on twelve of the various oceans and seas but never in Alaska again. Then when we got underway from Sitka, Ken asked me to take the wheel watch. And so, I stood my last watch, on the Christian, with Ken as my skipper. Some things had not changed.


The magical journey on the Christian ended when we docked in Wrangell.  Thank you, Jerry, for treating a landlocked single Southern gal to an adventure I could only dream about!  It’s difficult to describe total perfection and experiences that I will never forget, and the memories continue to forever linger in my heart and soul!   



5 thoughts on “OLSON FAMILY SCRAPBOOK XII – “1994 OLSON FAMILY CRUISE ON THE CHRISTIAN” – Photos by Keith Olson -Text by Keith & Jerry Olson”

  1. Tim….my sincere thanks again for requesting memories of an adventure that will never be forgotten! Will continue to enjoy re-living all of this from your post. Hard to imagine that I failed to shine a very bright light on LILLIE the AMAZING CAT! It seems one day Lillie wandered onto the MV Christian when it was docked and decided this was heaven on earth!! She quickly settled into a cozy “corner” in the wheelhouse with Ken!! Being a crazy cat lady, her presence was very special for me. We all know felines and fish are a match made in heaven and that became her selection on the Christian. So, I discovered her favorite, and I believe, her only choice on the menu was Halibut! An ocean full of selections…. but for Lillie, it was love at first snag!! When Mr. Halibut departed the water, Lillie heard the dinner bell and made a dash for the stern. Thoughts of a Lillie heist at the conclusion of our “cruise”, vanished when I focused on reality……landlocked at home with no success of providing freshly caught halibut! So, together with 9 days of experiencing paradise, I enjoyed a final Lillie snuggle and brief tummy rub!!

  2. I so enjoyed the storytelling, and loved the way it was arranged from different points of view, and loved the pictures too! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Carole…many thanks for your reply! This was an adventure filled with every glorious descriptive adjective possible. For a lifetime of being a landlubber this was an experience not ever imagined. Such a treat to be surrounded mostly by those who had spent a large slice of their life being up close and personal with the sea. Here is a quote: The sea beckoned to me, and all reality was lost swept away in the entrancing song of the tide.”
      Meredith T. Taylor

      My memories will remain forever with me!

  3. Jerry & Keith,

    You wouldn’t believe my joy reading your story In Tim and Lorelie’s Blog of uniquely cruising some of the most beautiful waters in SE Alaska on the “Christian. A “good read” by any measurement. I remain thankful for Ken’s habit of inviting relative s and friends to join him and Nancy whenever they had a “dead head” trip returning to home port in Wrangell. Both of you are fine writer’s and, Keith, your artist’s taste in photography is impressive. On a personal level I remain thankful at the luck I had at sea on the “Advena” making possible a meet-up with you and including three in my family on the Christian. Thanks for the Memories!

  4. Many thanks Dave for your kind words! You, Betty, Alan, and Susan had first hand witness to a someone being “held” in a mystical dream hoping to never be awakened!!! I’m forever grateful that Jerry decided I was worth the expense of treating me to a venture many never experience. Thankfully, he found some curious Keith interest that needed to explore! All of the Olsons welcomed me and were so gentle with my total “ignorance” of being in the presence of a SEAsoned family!! Can you imagine my thrill of reeling in my very first gills and fins. I am convinced they huddled beneath the waves and decided I should be rewarded with a newfound skill!!! Between uncontrollable excitement I did get a bit misty when it was clear my catch would never again enjoy his salty life!! I am forever blessed to have these memories as well as becoming an OLSON!!

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