Meet Agnes, an ordinary gray tabby with an extraordinary talent for mischief and adventure.

If you missed Chapter 1, you might want to read it to find out how the Rasmussens had to decide what to do with a stow-away cat.

If you read Chapter 1, read on and learn what the Rasmussens decide to do about Agnes, a quite determined cat.

To read Chapter 1 –click here


“Dad, one mile until the next rest stop.”

“ Thanks, David, I saw the sign.”

The wagon turned into a shaded area  and stopped so quickly it nearly dumped me out of David’s lap.  Jake, staring at me over his shoulder, shook his head like he couldn’t believe what he saw; Carolyn kept looking out the windshield; while  David’s and Billy’s grins filled their faces.  I purred, jumped to the top of the passenger seat, and rubbed Carolyn’s neck.  Then I tried to slide over Carolyn’s shoulder and down to  her lap.  When she pushed me down on the floor, I knew she was really mad.

“Jake, we’ve got to go back.  We simply can’t take her along.  It’s enough with Billy and David.” 

I slid my front paws to her knees up to her kneecaps.  She didn’t push me down this time.

“Carolyn, we can’t go back.  We’d lose the whole day.  All our reservations depend on keeping to a schedule.  Couldn’t we put her on the train and have someone pick her up?”

Thankfully, she ignored Jake.  I hate cages.

Billy who thinks he can save everything said, “Why don’t we take her?  I’d be glad to take care of her.”

“I’ll just bet you will,” laughed Jake.  “Like the way you took care of your sleeping bag.”

At this point, I slowly eased onto Carolyn’s lap.

“Billy’s right,” David joined in, “We could take care of her.  She likes to ride in the car, and she doesn’t take much space.”

To emphasize David’s point, I curled myself  extra small in Carolyn’s lap.  She unconsciously stroked my fur and I arched my back a bit.

Jake still protested  “What are we going to do at rest stops?  Like right now.  We can’t just turn her loose, but she does have to go, you know.”

I glared at Jake.  How I went was my business.  Fortunately, Billy came to my rescue.  “Dad, don’t you remember when I had a  rabbit?  Pipkin?  You put  him on a leash and I took him for walks in the yard.  I’ll bet we could do that with Agnes.”

David helped out too, “Yeah Billy, good idea, and we can buy a leash and  collar in Portland.”

Jake responded, “How could I forget about Pipkin?  But I still don’t know.  I’d hate to have our trip ruined because Agnes got lost or was run over.”  He was still not convinced by the boys’ reasoning.

Jake was being difficult.  I changed laps in an effort to smooth out his furrowed brow.  I nuzzled  right up to his cheek.  He started chuckling. Carolyn giggled, and the boys laughed out loud.  I knew then.  I could GO!

“All right, if Agnes is going with us, we need to set some rules for her,” Carolyn said.  

Carolyn always organized us.  Out came her mental note pad.  “No one can open a door until she’s on the leash.  Billy, you keep track of her when we’re in  the car.  David, you are responsible for feeding her and making sure she has enough water.  I’ll make sure she never gets left in the car with all the windows closed.  You know a pet can die from the heat in a closed car, and it will be hot in California.  Jake, since you take Copper for regular walks, you can take care of walking Agnes.”  Carolyn knows what everyone does best.

Jake, however, was upset by what she said, “Carolyn, I won’t do it!  Can you imagine me walking a cat?  Me?  That is too much.”

“You always say you don’t care what people think,” Carolyn responded.

“I can walk her, Mom,”  Billy chimed in.

“No, you are seven and that is too young for  that kind of responsibility.”

“I’m ten.  What about me?” asked David.

“Well, David you could help.”

Jake remained silent.  I placed my paws on his chest and stared into his eyes.  That always works.

“Oh, if I have to.”

Carolyn brought up a new problem.  “Well, what can we use as a leash now?”

Billy piped right up, “I know, we can use the broken cord off my sleeping bag.”

Me? On a leash? Like a dog?  I squirmed in Jake’s lap, but holding my body in his strong grip,  he tied the cord around my neck.  

“Everybody out.  Agnes is on the leash,” Jake announced and dumped me out of the car in front of him.  I pulled the string tight, crow hopped in a circle around Jake. Jake’s eyes and head turned in  circles, more interested in who might be looking at him.  He stayed glued to one spot right in front of the car.  I tried the subtle approach; giving up on getting loose, I tugged toward some nearby dirt, but he pulled me back.  Meeeeeow.  How could I dig in the grass?  Without even looking at me and the stupid leash, he sauntered toward a clump of trees surrounded by dirt. The cord tangled in a fallen branch and jerked my legs from under me.  The leash tightened around my neck.  I yowled.  That caught Jake’s attention, “Oh Agnes, are you hurt?”

I squirmed and fought the cord while Jake untangled me. I scratched him.  “Ouch! Well, I deserved that. I’ve got to be more careful; I’m not used to a cat on a leash.”  He picked me up; and carried me to a nearby tree and retied the string like a harness around my shoulders and chest.  He put me down in the dirt.  “Come on now,Agnes, we don’t have much time.”

How was I to go  with him standing there watching me and all those giggling people staring at me?   I didn’t even try.  I sat down and licked myself. 

“Oh Mom, look at that cute gray-striped kitten on a leash,” a little girl squealed. 

Jake turned even redder.  David bailed us both out by bringing me a bowl of water.  Jake gave my leash to David and strolled away. 

David stroked me, “Agnes, now you’ve got to go.  It’s a long wait until the next rest stop.  I’ll look the other way and you just go.”  I pulled on the cord and he released all the cord he could.  I dug a little hole and went.

“It’s time.  Everybody back to the car,” Carolyn called.

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