HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOYCE – From Lorelie & Tim

Joyce, during the past many years we have shared many experiences and we have celebrated  special occasions with you. In recent years we have enjoyed your Christmas holiday lunches and attended several birthday parties with other longtime friends. We hope you enjoy pictures  of these times in our lives and memorable occasions! 

Our shared experiences began even before we knew each when we were all at GreenLake.  Since then we have shared memories of visits to vacation spots, especially Maui, Lake Stevens, and Wallace Island.  Our times together on Whidbey and Ponderosa have been wonderful traditions, and we always have our favorite activities: beach walks, hikes, reading, eating, photography , and sharing scrapbooks and conversations!


To view previous NESTER birthday greeting – click here

1 thought on “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOYCE – From Lorelie & Tim”

  1. Wow, so many good memories . Thank you for assembling them. Love to you and wishes for creating more memories of friendship

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