SPIRITLIFTER X – ON THE ROAD WITH “SPIRIT” – By Spirit with Help From Mama & Grandma

I detest riding in the Subaru and I let Mama and Papa know it.  I fuss; I fidget; I demand to ride in the front seat. I let Mama or Papa know when it’s time to find an area where I can leap out of  this big dog cage.

The best part of when we take what Mama calls a “road trip” is stopping along the way so I can have some fun! It was almost worth being cooped up on this road trip as I got to enjoy my favorite activities: running free, swimming, ball games, and exploring beaches just like I did in Sitka. Now that  is doggy paradise!   I’m so glad Mama and Papa plan vacations that include activities just for me! 

We made several quick stops so Mama could take pictures of funny round houses, boats and bridges. Papa assured me that the sinking boat wasn’t his. At each stop, they let me get a little exercise and do other necessary stuff.  I wasn’t allowed to jump in the water though. BORING!!!

Finally, after being stuck in the Subaru for way too long, we had two days at the beach so I could have some fun!  I ran in circles, jumped in the waves, sniffed everything, chased balls, explored the beach and leapt over rocks!



I always stop to check back and keep track of where Mama and Papa are because they worry if I’m out of their sight. It’s silly because I always know where they are, but I like to indulge them. Besides, maybe Papa will throw the ball one more time into the waves and that is such fun!

My day at the beach is almost over, but I still have time to explore, sniff and jump over all the driftwood.


Isn’t it fun to see the beach with me?  We can sniff and see all the details because we are always in lower position.


To view SPIRITLIFTER IX –  click here

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