Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s poem, I AM WAITING, is the inspiration for Cathy’s  poem, I AM LOOKING. Ferlinghetti, in his notes, wrote: ” This poem was conceived specifically for jazz accompaniment and as such should be considered as a spontaneously spoken “oral message” rather than as a poem for the printed page.”  If you or I read or speak I AM LOOKING, in that way, the poem is subject to change. How might you or I read this poem and then write our own poem? 



I am looking for someone

who can tell me the difference

between fake news

and bad press

and how many lies

can dance on the head of a pin

and I am looking for someone

to tell me how many headlines

can spark a revolution

and I am looking for a rainbow.

I am looking for an honest man 

or woman – with a lantern

to tell me why

they hold children in cages,

and hold rallies for rifles

and hold vigils for victims

but I’ve been put on hold

and I am holding on

to my American dream 

and I am looking for a rainbow.

 I am looking for someone

with change to spare

who can change the channel,

change the tune

change the climate

and I am looking for voters

to look up and notice

and I’m looking

for the stone in the soup

the sword in the stone

the stone unturned

and I am looking for a rainbow.

To read Cathy’s previously published poem – click here

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