After an unsettling four years of national leadership and with the passing of the baton to a new administration,  I’m sharing a few thoughts I have regarding principles of leadership and those who would claim to be our leaders whether at the national level or in our daily lives.  

 With special thanks to Gandhi, Mother Teresa,  Jesus,  Nightingale, Lincoln, Ginsberg and lesser known and unknown women and men we all need to guide us in our efforts to be decent human beings. .

Dedicated to all who struggle with those claiming to lead us, but in fact, seek to dominate us.

With no apologies to anyone in positions of claimed leadership offended by the following pieces of wisdom.

  1. The true leader cannot avoid the position of authority; but would if possible.
  2. Anyone in authority for the purpose of self-protection cannot serve others.
  3. Be suspicious of any leader who doesn’t clean toilets and sink strainers.
  4. Say “No” to anyone who claims to be better or above you, but smile.
  5. Those with the most authority must be accessible to those with the least authority.
  6. Budgets tell more about priorities than goal statements do.
  7. Say “No’ to a leader who makes arbitrary decisions; but do it nicely.
  8. Avoid judging leaders by the way they dress; pay attention to the way they expect you to dress.
  9. Be careful of judging leaders by their cars; you can tell more by where their cars are parked.
  10. Be wary of someone with a designated toilet.
  11. Ignore the criticism of those who require you to come their offices to receive it.
  12. General praise mollifies; specific praise supports.
  13. Never accept without question the premise that a leadership position deserves more money.
  14. Distinguish between decisive, demanding authority and tyranny; they are easily confused.
  15. Those who lead without authority are truly admirable
  16. When leaders stress your “loyalty” to a group, they often mean “loyalty” to themselves.  Know the difference.
  17. Any leadership position held too long becomes a right, not a service.
  18. A leadership position without the power to serve others is worthless.
  19. “To lead” is synonymous with “to model”.
  20. Good leaders require very short job descriptions.
  21. Any leader who claims the authority to evaluate your performance should be willing to reciprocate.
  22. A true leader does some of the same shit as everyone else.
  23. Leaders who believe their position is more important than yours should not be followed.
  24. Good leaders provide alternatives for others; poor leaders keep alternatives for themselves.
  25. If a person aspires to leadership for the money, make sure the bucks don’t come from your wallet.
  26. Stay outside the door when a leader refuses to come out from behind the desk.
  27. Question the motives of leaders whose chairs have more padding than yours.
  28. Smile knowingly at leaders who keep secrets.
  29. Manipulative leaders exploit weakness and submit to strength; know this and organize accordingly.
  30. Absent leaders tend to be pursuing their goals rather than yours.
  31. Good leaders have their noses to the ground; not up in the air.

The above list is hardly complete. You may choose to either add or delete from the list.  I’d be delighted to hear from you.    


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