Timothy Olson

tIM’S “DELIGHTFUL” 85TH BIRTHDAY” – Text: Lorelie Photos: Lorelie & Michelle

We left home shortly before 6:00PM for a family birthday party at the new harbor side restaurant, FISHERMAN JACK’S. Karl, Michelle, and Tanner joined us for a festive and elegant dining experience! the drinks and Chinese food were delicious, the tableware was elegant, and the decor was visually stunning!

tIM’S “DELIGHTFUL” 85TH BIRTHDAY” – Text: Lorelie Photos: Lorelie & Michelle Read More »


Dear Reader,

Cathy’s poem, “O CHRISTMAS TREE”, may take more than one reading.  Each reading will take you further into the poem and increase its meaning for you.  This certainly happened for me and may happen for you! 

The poem is a Pantoum, a Malaysian oral form of poetry that became famous in Europe and America in the 19th & 20th centuries.  The poem consists of four line stanzas where lines repeat themselves in different stanzas and add to the lines meaning in each stanza.

I find this particularly appropriate for the Christmas season where year after year we repeat traditions and the repetition adds to the significance of the tradition. Some of the traditions are part of the season for many of us like carols and choral Christmas concerts. Other are connected to families, cultures, religions and where we live.

With several readings the lines of “O CHRISTMAS TREE” become familiar and open you to traditions you have practiced over the years.  You might write a Pantoum poem or (a good thing about poetry) find yourself playing with the lines as you consider what Christmas has meant for you.

Thank you Cathy and enjoy the poem!



“JUNK FOOD JAG” By lorelie & tim Olson

Ah, the hustle and bustle of Christmas. I’ve never been able to keep up with it all.  Especially purchasing and wrapping presents. My dad never did any of it – he left it all for Mom.  Well, Lorelie and I don’t have that kind of marriage. I’m thankful for that –  most of the time.  But buying and wrapping presents?  Yup, Fast food for energy and brave the mall on Christmas Eve.  Every year! Some years ago I wrote a silly poem and Lorelie said,  “That’s pretty good’ I could improve it!”  Hope you enjoy the poem. This is the way it was!   Tim

“JUNK FOOD JAG” By lorelie & tim Olson Read More »

WALKS IN THE WOODS – Photographs By Joyce Wagar, Toni & Paul Olson

Two of THANKSGIVING’S major themes are grateful HEARTS and a sharing of the HARVEST.  For Lorelie and me the NESTER blog provides the opportunity for many of us to share the harvest of our lives. Memoirs, paintings, poetry, gardens, journeys and more are shared with others in these posts. Several people have communicated with us in different ways that they look forward to the arrival of new posts in the Nester. We think that this blog is part of the “light” that does brighten our lives.  There are so many talents, gifts, skills and interesting lives that could be shared. The NESTER blog provides a platform to do that.  Do take the time to enjoy the wonderful posts that Lee, Joyce, David, Toni &. Paul share with you! And do consider sharing with others!

WALKS IN THE WOODS – Photographs By Joyce Wagar, Toni & Paul Olson Read More »


We are certainly grateful for our late Autumn’s color this year, and you are invited to join Lee as she photographs  the many vivid and muted colors from her neighborhood walks in Edmonds. Lee’s photos focus us on the brilliant fall flowers, iconic seasonal displays, and trees featuring a variety of colors and hues in their autumn leaves. Our day is both brightened and calmed by spending time with these photographs. – Lorelie & Tim


REMEMBERING SUMMER -By Lorelie & Tim Olson

Lorelie and I together with our many contributors welcome you to our first post notification in well over 4 months.  The current posts follow Lorelie’s July post, CELEBRATING SUMMER to  Lorelie’s  REMEMBERING SUMMER, to Lee’s SUMMER SAMPLER.

We did not plan this summer snooze. I’m an “oldie” 84 and just like our 85  “oldie” sail boat needing to be lifted out of the water twice this past summer. Freyja needed to have some leaks repaired and I required maintenance for two consecutive health issues that put the NESTER to sleep for many weeks. 

So, here we are in November with posts for me to boot up the computer, open the Word Press program, and offer delightful photographs taken by several talented and skilled photographers for you to enjoy and, perhaps, reflect on the good times from a summer filled with sunshine, daisies and blue skies.  Tim

REMEMBERING SUMMER -By Lorelie & Tim Olson Read More »

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